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Studying abroad was always something that I had to do before I graduated. I decided to go to Valencia, Spain. I chose Valencia because a friend was going to that school as well and we both were studying business. I spent six months in a country I had never been before and without my family. During my experience, I learned a lot about myself and the culture. I learned a lot about the Spanish culture, for example nothing will be open between 3-5pm because that is their "siesta" time. I had to hang my clothes outside after taking them out of the washing machine. I also became an expert at public transportation and improved my Spanish because the majority of my classes were in Spanish. These six months were one of the best six months of my college career, I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel all around Spain and Europe which included the pleasure of meeting students from around the globe and forming friendships. I suggest that every FIU student should experience this once during the four years they are studying at FIU. 

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